Friday, January 20, 2012

January 23 is International Handwriting Day, Download Loads of Free eBooks for Your Kids

January 23 is International Handwriting Day

The purpose of National Handwriting Day is to alert the public to the importance of handwriting and gives everyone a chance to re-explore the purity and power of handwriting. This lens will focus on handwriting exercises for little people, and where they can download specially created ebooks for free to practice their handwriting and have a lot of fun at the same time.

As well as beautiful free journals you can access handwriting ebooks, early readers and more...  Celebrate Your Child's Creativity...   With our compliments...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We talked about National Handwriting Day today in our homeschool too! :) We are computer junkies here, so my boys (ages 12 and 7) would MUCH rather type something than write something, lol. We struggle with handwriting every day, but we try and do what we can to make it fun. :)

Thanks for sharing!

Mom to a 7 year old boy who would rather eat brussel sprouts (Ack!) and take a bath (Gasp!), than do handwriting worksheets.