Sunday, September 30, 2007

Home Schooling, St Aiden's - Interview with Jeremy Gislason of

Home Schooling, St Aiden's

Website Overview

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Home schooling educational site, phonics, English language, languages, literature arts, eBooks, math, online educational games and software, worksheets and workbooks, arts, crafts and activities. Free teacher and student resources. Updated daily.

Site Owner: Donnette E Davis
Contact Email:
Website Home Page:
Location: South Africa
Month/Year Website Launched: February, 2007
Initial Start Up Costs: $200
Time Invested Before Launch: 2400 hours
Programming and Technical Work Done By Owner or Hired Out: web design, content,layout, marketing
Time Invested Each Week Running Website: 70 hours
Niche Market Target: family & education
Products And Services Offered: Educational products, eBooks, software, online games, marketing
Average Number of Monthly Visitors: 2000
Number of Newsletter Subscribers or Members: 100
Estimated Monthly Expenses: $$200

Interview By: Jeremy Gislason
Interview Date: 26-Sep-07

Q. Please tell us a little about your background.
I am a WAHM, single, with 6 children, 5 of whom are still at home. Due to personal reasons and the shocking state of this once-well-loved country I elected to homeschool my three younger children. Home education and my websites take up a lot of my time, and although my income-producing profession is in the legal field I do a lot less now than I did beore I started my website.

Q. What made you decide to start a website in the field?
There is a lack of information and resources that are pimarily South African based. What is available is shockingly expensive and out of the reach of the average South African HS family. Initially I started purchasing material to educate my children from the USA and UK. Having had to adapt this, especially the USA material due to language and grammatical differences, I found I was producing workbooks for my children that would benefit other homeschooling families in South Africa, and other African and Euopean countries. I decided to start the website to make this available to other families for free and now write educational eBooks as a way of subsidising the webhosting costs which are sold part from the website

Q. What kind of research went into this niche area before building your website?
Many hundreds of manhours on the internet and human interviews. Research into the availability and costs of existing resources took up most of the time.

Q. How did you design and build your website?
I purchased and registered a domain through my webhosting company and with the domain came a Sitebuilder which I still use, although my site has now outgrown the Sitebuilder which is intended for smaller sites.

Q. What software do you use to run your business?
I use various software. I have a mailing list from one supplier. I have web rings and site rings from another. I have a link exchange from another. My workbooks are created in Microsoft, and I use wordsearch, crossword, template software from yet more developers. I also make use of web widgets and have recently started designing my own.

Q. How does your website generate income?
It is a donation site. I am affiliated with Amazon, Offer Forge ZA, and Google Adsense. My eBooks that are written for resale are sold on Lulu, through Payloadz and Paypal.

Q. How do you collect payments for your products or services?
Via Paypal.

Q. What promotion methods do you use?
I make use of social networking, link exchanges, providing free web content.

Q. Which method has proven to give you the best sales results?
Sales through Lulu.

Q. Which method of traffic generation has proven to be the best for you?
Google search engine.

Q. What is your biggest challenge each month?
To complete and upload new projects.

Q. What's the biggest mistake you've made since starting your business?
Not completing certain focus areas before commencing on the next one. This has proven to be a problem in that I have had to go back and re-do a lot of the website pages since the site grew very big in a very short space of time. In fact the whole website has just undergone a major facelift which is almost finished.

Q. How has your lifestyle changed since you started your online business?
My lifestyle has not changed. I still spend my days in my office researching for educating my children and creating my projects.

Q. How has your membership helped you with your online business?
Only just joined.

Q. What would you say to someone looking to start a website in the same niche as you?
Be prepared for a lot of hard work. Don't expect results in 6 months.


Thank You

Jeremy Gislason

Monday, September 24, 2007

Halloween Activity Mega-Book by Donnette E Davis (Book) in Children

Halloween Activity Mega-Book by Donnette E Davis (Book) in Children

104 page activity book, including lacing, (fine motorskills) colouring, Halloween Phonics, (early learning) story starters (elementary), Halloween themed stationery, gift boxes 'n bags, tags, labels, bookmarks, envelopes, frames, Halloween stickers. (Great craft project for the whole family) Lined notebooking pages, including training lines. Bookmarks, fingerplays and Halloween poems & party invitations are also included in this unit. A fantastic fun - and educational :) - scrapbooking craft project for kids. As a result of the various graphics sizes in this unit, some units will have to be cropped to the required size.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Readers Digest Photo Shoot

Reader’s Digest Photo Shoot
Managed to get an early start this a.m. - it would have been nice if pool man had done the swamp ermmm pool yesterday, aaah it will be done today - however only AFTER the photo shoot, which will HAVE to be held inside the house as the green water in the hole that doubles as a pool won't look terribly inviting. Hopefully Master A will stay off pc's, dining room table & telephones long enough to allow this to happen.
About the photo shoot... Reader's Digest SA has done an article on HS in SA,the why's and wherefore's and the pro's and con's. Article to be published in November. Of course I was delighted at having been invited to have my say!! I think being a single working mum with loads of offspring & homeschooling some of said offspring, & just generally attempting to survive in this country has some attraction for the media. Photoshoot of myself & the kids to be done today... drat, I wish the pool was blue :)
I wish... I wish....

Countries of Africa ~ Cameroon, Country Unit Study, Lesson Plans & Notebooking Pages by Donnette E Davis (Book) in Education & Language

Countries of Africa ~ Cameroon, Country Unit Study, Lesson Plans & Notebooking Pages by Donnette E Davis (Book) in Education & Language

Tuesday, September 11, 2007