Monday, October 17, 2011

Kids Halloween Board Games - Recycle, Make, Download or Print

Kids Halloween Board Games - Recycle, Make, Download or Print

Save time, save money and save the environment by making or recycling your own Halloween board games

Halloween is the most celebrated and advertised holiday/festival second only to Christmas. Masked parties are planned, costumes are designed, menus set, and decor has to be "just right". Children and their adults seem to lose themselves in their Halloween preparations, the excitement, anticipation surrounding this well-loved festival. Children's parties take on the Halloween theme, and Halloween Craft Parties are becoming increasingly popular.

Sadly in today's economic climate many families are not able to spend vast amounts on decor, costumes, children's parties and the like, hence we look at different ideas to spice up your Halloween celebration, be it in recycling costumes, making inexpensive Halloween decorations, creating deliciously ghoulish but healthy gastronomic delights on a shoestring budget, or in this case making or recycling your own Children's Halloween Board Games.

This lens will show you how easy it is to make (or recycle) your own printable board games, card games and more. This is an inexpensive way to cram your party with different game ideas, and your child will get to use the game pieces again in years to come.

Also on this page, you'll be able to download for free a Halloween Tic-Tac-Toe Game Board and pieces, and also a beautiful Vintage Halloween full Deck of cards, including the jokers - plus instructions for another 4 card games that are sure to delight your child.


Tic-Tac-Toe Halloween Board Game- Make your own or download this game for free

Halloween tic tac toe
Tic-tac-toe, also called wick wack woe (in some Asian countries) and noughts and crosses (in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India and the rest of the British Commonwealth countries), is a pencil-and-paper game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The X player usually goes first. The player who succeeds in placing three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or
diagonal row wins the game.

Tic-Tac-Toe Halloween Picture Game - This particular game is played in exactly the same way as the traditional Tic-Tac-Toe, only instead of writing the "o" or the "x" picture cards are placed on the relevant squares. There are 3 sets of cards, one in color and two in black and white.

Vintage Halloween Playing Cards - Yours to Download for Free

If you're hosting a Children's Halloween Craft Party you might want to consider a few board or card games. This full deck of full color cards includes Jokers, and blank cards (if you're feeling inspired). The beautiful images are from the public domain. Enjoy!

The number of games that can be played with a simple deck of cards is amazing. If you have a deck of cards with you, you won't be at a loss for a way to keep little ones (and older children) entertained.


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