Monday, September 14, 2009

Homeschooling, Maths for Early Learners ~ Helping Your Child Understand « St Aiden's Homeschool Blog

Homeschooling, Maths for Early Learners ~ Helping Your Child Understand « St Aiden's Homeschool Blog

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We know that one of the most powerful forces we have to strengthen student achievement is a family’s fundamental desire to prepare their children to succeed in the world. Many families know that the first step toward success for their children when they enter school is to master basic skills, such as reading and math. This book provides proven ideas and activities for families to help their children succeed in math. Included are lesson plans, teacher/parent tips and resources, student activities, riddles, Q’s & A’s, number cards and more.

Author(s): Donnette E Davis
Artist(s): Public Domain
Pages: 72

File Size: 2 MB ~ $2.95

Homeschooling, Maths for Early Learners ~ Helping Your Child Understand

History for Early Learners - St Aiden's Homeschool, South Africa | CurrClick

History for Early Learners - St Aiden's Homeschool, South Africa | CurrClick

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

St Aidens ~ Prek-3 Activity Books

St Aidens ~ Prek-3 Activity Books

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Activity Books
These Free Printable Activity Books are suitable for pre-K4 children,
(age 3 to around 7 years) but can be adapted for younger or older
children. Every section in this site has free printables and activity
books in addition to these on this page. Enjoy!

The files are in either ZIP or PDF format. ZIP files will open into PDF
books. Please click on the thumbnail to download or right-click
and "save as" to your computer, when you have navigated from
this page.
About Me (life skills)*soon*
African Animals
Alphabet Picture Dictionary Activity Books *New*
Crossword Fun
Early Readers *New*
Learning Languages *New*
Matching Fun/Spot The Twins
Numbers & Counting
Puzzle Fun
Reading Comprehension Activity Books
Sign Language *new*
St Patrick's Day
Verbs *soon*
Vowels *soon*
Word Families
Word / Picture Recognition Books
Writing (Handwriting Tracing and Practice)*New*

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Law of Attraction and Goal Setting for Kids

The Law of Attraction and Goal Setting for Kids

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Secret Behind The Secret

"How Does The Secret Really Work?" The Answer Inside May Shock You!

Goal Setting That Works

New Goal Mapping Technique Boost Your Productivity!
Building Your Child's Self-Esteem

"Low self-esteem is like driving through life
with your hand-brake on."
- Dr Maxwell Maltz

Don't let your child miss out on reaching their goals, dreams and highest ambitions....

"The Number 1 Way That You Can Guarantee Your Childs Success is to Teach Them Goal Setting And How to Use The Laws of Attraction at a Young Age..."

Every parent I know wants the absolute best for their children. We just want them to be happy. Doesn't matter if they are 3 or 33, or even 63, we never change do we?

You know kids who feel good about themselves - they are full of confidence and their self-esteem is high.

Building self-esteem and self confidence is about making our children feel worthwhile. Kids with high self esteem and confidence are happy kids. Absolutely everything else follows on from a high self-esteem.

You are the MOST IMPORTANT influence in their lives.

Forget peer groups, TV, best friends - it's YOU. Your kids just soak up the messages you give them.

You are the MOST important influence in your child's life. Your kids just love it when they have time with you. You know that they will do anything to please and impress you, given half a chance. What you say and do with them is...%u2026 read on :)

First I want to tell you a story about a boy I know. Jackson is my brother-in-law's nephew. He is just turned 10. Jackson is a boy soprano, and as a member of the highly esteemed Australian Boys Choir has travelled with them in the last 12 months to perform in New Zealand and Los Angeles and New York (stayed at the Waldorf Astoria). Jackson has also had a part in the musical Carmen in a major Melbourne theatre. Pretty exciting stuff! At school his class was asked to write what was the best thing they had done this year.

Jackson's answer: Fixing up my bike with my Dad

I've heard Jackson's Dad in action. Gary praises lots of little things that Jackson does. He praises him in front of others. Of course he tells me all about his singing, but Gary also tells me about Jackson's ideas, and how kind he is. He talks about how he tackles problems and how he helped his sister. Little ears are flapping nearby, and his face glows. No wonder Jackson loves to spend time with his Dad. And Jackson's self esteem soars.

Here is a fun Self-Esteem Building Activity:

Depending on the age of your child you can plan a fun activity which will build self esteem and confidence. It can be something really simple for a younger child. It's all about the praise and focusing on your child.
Think up a fun thing to do with your child - just you and her alone.
Something you will both enjoy. Make it a goal between the two of you. It could be making a fish pond in the yard, making a movie about your family for Grandma, going for a hike in the woods or cooking Mexican food for the family.

As you plan together - ask her opinion of what you could do. Of course give some suggestions - but take hers into consideration and let her decide, and praise the idea. = I have good ideas = I am clever and creative.

When you listen; listen to her with your full attention.
Stop what you are doing and look her straight in the eye. Ask questions that show you are really 'with her'. = I am worth listening to, I have something to say.

Does it really matter what you do together - as long as it is feasible? Listening to her opinion and being prepared to change your own after her comments gives her a sense of worthwhile ness. My opinions matter! = I matter!

Let's say you decided on cooking Mexican food for the family for Saturday night.
First you could look up recipes on the internet or at the library. Let her choose, and ask why she wants those dishes. "Ah, that's a good idea", or "Yuk, apples with chillies, you've got to be kidding!" (and have a huge laugh about it). My Dad thinks I am really funny, I can make him happy. I am pretty good really.

While she is looking for recipes, make comments like: "Yes, Mom will love that; how thoughtful of you" = I am really thoughtful.

Plan together
Plan the shopping list. As she writes it down guide her through the recipes if needed; say "You have covered everything, well done." = I am thorough = I am great

Plan the table and décor together. It may be that she could make some invitation cards for Mom, her brother and grandparents - with a Mexican theme. Or she could write a menu for the table. "Wow, they are gorgeous, what a terrific idea." = I am creative = I am clever

Cooking and setting the table, choosing music for the evening together %u2026%u2026"What a great idea", or "What a great choice" or "That looks fantastic" = I did a really good job. Notice her strengths and comment on them.

Don't forget in the planning to figure out in advance between you who is going to wait on table and who is going to clean up afterwards.

You get the idea. You simply cannot praise your child enough.

It's the little things that you observe and comment on. It might sound a bit corny to our ears, or seem like overkill, but praise, praise, praise in lots of subtle ways just builds and builds self esteem and confidence with your child. And every now and then you can drop in a gem about how important they are to you. As you drive to the supermarket tell her again about the day she was born, and how thrilled you were. You can tell her this a thousand times, and she will never get sick of it. = My Dad loves me = I am important to him = I am okay

Set achievable goals

Another point, make sure you set a goal together that is going to be achievable for you together - one that she will be able to pull her weight. Don't let her get out of her part in the plan, and end up doing things yourself. Keep her to her commitment = I can be relied on = I am responsible. We do our children no service at all when we allow them to get away with things.

When it's all over, praise her in front of the family, and tell them all the things she did and thought of. Notice the little things that made a difference. Even take a few photos to make a collage together of your Mexican Dinner with big words of praise on it - FUN - GREAT FOOD - THE WORLD'S BEST COOK - YUMMY. I'll bet she will pin it up on her wall and treasure it.

Find a FUN GOAL to work on together

Building self-esteem and self confidence is about making our children feel worthwhile. When they feel good about themselves they are full of confidence and their self-esteem is high. They are ready to take on the world. When you value your child, he values himself. The way we communicate with them is crucial in building their self-esteem. You can show how much you value them in all the ways that you communicate with them. Everything else follows on from a high self-esteem.

Kids with high self-esteem are happy kids.

When you show faith in their abilities in so many little ways, and when you support them and treat them respectfully, they feel a sense of security in their own capabilities and worthiness. Self-esteem is an important part of happiness; they can master their own lives free from uncertainty and worry.

To Download your FREE PDF eBooks "Raising Happy Kids" and other great printables Please click here

- To print this lesson, download pdf here -

~ Reproduced with Permission from Winsome Coutts

Contents at a Glance

1. Great Parenting & Family Resources Found on This Page
2. Building Relationship Skills
3. Parenting ~ Creating Stability and Balance

4. Fostering Optimism and Positive Attitudes
5. Lovin' Life ~ The Way It's Meant to Be!
6. Passing on Your Family Values Setting the Framework for Your Family

Contents at a Glance

1. Great Parenting & Family Resources Found on This Page
2. Building Relationship Skills
3. Parenting ~ Creating Stability and Balance
4. Fostering Optimism and Positive Attitudes
5. Lovin' Life ~ The Way It's Meant to Be!

6. Passing on Your Family Values Setting the Framework for Your Family
7. Encouraging Passion and Enthusiasm
8. Additional Parenting Resources, Tips & eBooks Added Regularly
9. Download Your Free Copy of our PDF eBook "Raising Happy Kids"
10. Thank you so Much For Visiting This Page

Great Parenting & Family Resources Found on This Page

* Building Relationship Skills
* Parenting ~ Creating Stability and Balance
* Fostering Optimism and Positive Attitudes
* Lovin' Life ~ The Way It's Meant to Be!
* Passing on Your Family Values Setting the Framework for Your Family
* Encouraging Passion and Enthusiasm
* Additional Parenting Resources, Tips & eBooks Added Regularly
* Download Your Free Copy of our PDF eBook "Raising Happy Kids"
* Thank you so Much For Visiting This Page

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

wikiHow:Books For Africa - Write an Article & Send a Book to Africa ~ September ONLY, PLEASE register

Extremely proud to be a part of this organisation and really looking forward to this exciting challenge. My wikiHow - Click here :)

For the month of September, wikiHow will sponsor a book for a child in Africa every time a registered user writes a new article. Help the effort by writing a new article now.

wikiHow has an educational mission. We are creating the world's how-to manual to provide a practical education to millions of people around the world. Every time you write an article, patrol an edit, add a photo, you are helping to provide a practical education to someone else. wikiHow is also a "hybrid organization," unlike many for-profit corporations, we are always looking for innovative ways to serve the social good in accordance with our mission. With that in mind, we've decided to experiment with a one-month program that more directly extends our educational mission to children in need whom we aren't reaching via our website.

So here is the experiment: For the month of September, wikiHow will sponsor a book for a child in Africa every time a registered user writes a new article. In addition, we will sponsor extra books for the author and new article booster if a new article receives a rising star.

Why children in Africa? Africa is experiencing a book famine -- school kids lack basic supplies and they are in need of text books and reference works. It is not uncommon for ten kids to share one textbook, or for children to practice their lessons in the sand since they do not have pencils and paper (here is a more explanatory article from CNN talking about the book famine in Africa).

For the experiment, we've teamed up with a non-governmental development organization in Tanzania called the Poverty Eradication Network (PEN) Trust who will be responsible for receiving and distributing the books that we sponsor.

Because this is quite different than anything we’ve done previously, we thought it would be best to roll this out as a one month experiment to start. That way we as a community can see how it goes before deciding if this is something we want to continue exploring.

wikiHow:Books For Africa - wikiHow.

Be a wikiHow Hero

Write an article &

send a book to Africa

How to Maintain Discipline in Homeschooling - wikiHow

How to Maintain Discipline in Homeschooling - wikiHow

When a child stays at home all day, and mommy or daddy is the teacher,there are certain issues of discipline at stake. It is easy for a child to misconstrue the freedom he or she has at home and feel that homeschooling is just a long summer holiday. This is a potential landmine and children need to be disciplined right at and from the start.

Read More

Friday, July 10, 2009

Chewbaaka celebrates his 14th Birthday!

Fourteen years is a long time by anyone's measure. For a cheetah, it is a milestone rarely achieved. Help us commemorate Chewbaakas birthday. Demonstrate your commitment to saving cheetahs in the wild. Through August 31, every donation will be matched, dollar for dollar, in honor of CCFs cheetah ambassador, Chewbaaka, who turned 14 this month. Please click on the donate button NOW!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

South Africa: Where a World Cup is more important than Human Life.

renaldo Gouws is an Industrial Psychologist in South Africa. His research is meticilous, substantiated and statistical.

Please note strong language.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

American Military Tribute

Beautiful video sent to me from a friend...

A tribute to the USA Military.. very touching.. so sad.. Well worth watching.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

So much for a better South Africa...

65%... Now I understand why we are the laughing stock of the world!

Join me on Twitter:

Michael Learns To Rock - If you leave my world...

Beautiful music x

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crime in South Africa is worse than war

Have you lived in South Africa? Have you been a victim of crime? Have you had your home burnt down? Has your car been stolen and then found 2 years later in a storage container ready to be shipped overseas - AFTER the police declared it has been recovered burnt out? Has your 13 year old daughter been raped by a 26 year old man of different culture?

If not, then in the wise words of Abe Lincoln, "say nothing and let people think you're an idiot than open your mouth and prove them right"

you should read some of the comments on this page...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Steven Hyperspecial Whyte Birthday Tribute

*~Happy Birthday Angel~*

Steven Whyte (Hyperspecial) is a highly successful, inspirational being who has encouraged and inspired many internationally with his gifts of speech, music and writing. He is CEO of Hyproducer Productions© and founder of the "Better Days%u2122" project which is the most positive tool to come out of the pool of young British musicians, artists and performers.

For over 11 years Steven (Hyper) has been creating music, writing wise words and sharing his factual findings on positivity. A modest but well known man, who has helped, entertained and uplifted thousands of people young to old. Married with children the positivity begins at home from the Bible and hunger to be Christ like. A mother and sibling who helped keep him on the correct route in life by expressing love, discipline and Christian teachings explains a lot of his current success. Born in 1986 and raised in London, England the journey began at birth and is still in progress to this day and always will be.

The journey is towards "Better Days (TM)."

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Author Susan Holloran : The Pickle Man

Susan Holloran has acted professionally on stage, television, and in radio. She’s taught in pre-kindergarten through third grade, and has written/ directed a variety of plays and musicals for children. Her first children’s book, Grandma Carrie’s Sandwiches, was published in 2000, and her second children’s book, The Pickle Man: Dreaming of the Majors was released in October, 2009 by Strategic Book Publishing in New York. Susan was a contributing author in Richard S. Calhoun’s book, The ABC’s of Food in 2002, and Celeste Palermo’s book, The Coffee Mom’s Devotional, released by Regal Books in March, 2009. An active member of Smoky Hill Vineyard Church in Centennial, Colorado, Susan continues to mentor, co- teach a writing workshop, and share her love of writing with children. She enjoys fast walks, hiking, biking, and time spent with family. The mother of two terrific young men and one beautiful daughter-in-law, she’s convinced that a sense of humor should be a pre-requisite for parenthood, and believes it has been indispensable in her marriage of thirty years to her husband Tom! A graduate of George Mason University’s class of 1979, Susan received a B.S. in Early Childhood/Elementary Education and a minor in Theater Arts.

The Pickle Man: Dreaming of the Majors
By Susan Seeber Holloran

Zach and his older brother, Josh, love the game of baseball. On summer days they sprint off through their backyard gate toward the school field’s worn-down dirt mound, where Josh pitches and Zach runs the bases. They let their imaginations run wild, visualizing themselves playing in the Majors and imitating the cheers of the crowd. Zach’s speed and skill in getting in and out of pickles is admired by his teammates, and soon he is daydreaming of playing Major League Ball at Fenway Park, where the announcer introduces him onto the field as, “Zach, the pickle man!”

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Author: Ann Bowes : Riding For Life published by Strategic Book Publishing, New York

Due to financial circumstances Ann never owned the pony she longed for as a child but this did not prevent her enjoying a wild and carefree life on the small hill farm alongside her brothers. Climbing trees, building dams and catching trout in the streams were all pastimes she revelled in, as well as helping with the animals on the farm. She was twenty-three before she acquired her first horse and this, along with raising her four children, provided her with an idyllic life with her husband in the heart of the North York Moors.

But tragedy befell Ann when she lost a son. Three weeks after this terrible accident her colt foal was born, and raising Danny-Boy, this horse she bred and named after her son, gave her a reason to live. When Danny-Boy was five, she planned a 'coast to coast' ride on him to raise money for Leukemia Research. The first half of the book describes her early years and her growing love and understanding of horses as well as the planning of her ride across northern England on horseback. The second half takes you on the journey itself, describes the beautiful and varied countryside through which she rode, and the wonderful people who all became a part of this momentous ride. How it helped Ann come to terms with her loss and face the future, despite the heartache and pain, with hope and even happiness.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Author: Erin Allen on You Tube

Erin Allen is a writer and works in the real estate industry. Ms. Allen is currently writing the second in the series of Kiliian Shelleen murder mysteries. She is an avid nature lover and travel enthusiast and lives in California. Another Foot in the Grave is her first novel.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Author Bonnie Priest - Nancy and the Nutrition Tree

This is a fun, colorful book that helps children become aware of the right choices in what they eat. The book speaks to them in rhyme and along with the words are bright pictures to help guide them through the text. The story was developed and designed by Positive Heart Living Inc under the direction of Founder Dr. Bonnie Priest, Ed.D, F.R.S., C.T.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Boyzone Better - Paul O'Grady 1/2

Just drooling at Ronan Keating -- Boyzone Better - Paul O'Grady 1/2

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Black Boys Bashy Ft Hyperspecial

Black Boys Bashy Ft Hyperspecial
A remix of Black boy, ft Hyperspecial, Showing that there have been many inspirational Black Males thoroughout history and many that are currently doing POSITIVE things and making great impact on this world.... Its time they are recognized....

Boyzone 2008 tour - back matter what - A different beat

Ronan Keating is now on Twitter:

Boyzone 2008 tour - back matter what - A different beat

Pratham Books: Peter Rabbit at Home

SOURCE: Pratham Books: Peter Rabbit at Home

This morning, while we had our first cup of coffee, I decided to break the routine by checking the movie channels instead of the news channels. And happily, I caught the latter half of 'Miss Potter', a 2006 Chris Noonan film. This a biopic of children's author and illustrator Beatrix Potter.

After seeing the movie, I checked to see if 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit' was available as an e-book. Sure, it was. Was most enjoyable. Do check it out at
Thank you, Donnette E Davis, for uploading that book and all the others too. You seem to be doing a remarkable job with children and parents as part of your homeschooling efforts at St.Aiden's Homeschool, South Africa.

Do check out Pratham Books on Scribd too.We would be very happy if children in South Africa could use them too!

Picture:Cover page of 'Little by Little', published by Pratham Books.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Author Donna Stone

Writer Donna Stone takes the reader on a ten-year journey of the frustrations, tears, and emotional rollercoaster that she and her family faced while dealing with the complexity of the medical system, the myriad of doctors and nurses who cared for Brandon, and the affect it had on their immediate and extended family.

Stone writes with brutal honesty and her message is not only intended to guide and help those who have a family member with chronic disease, but her encouragement of taking ownership for the hand that life deals one at times is brilliant and inspiring. Her faith in God and the love she expresses for her son will touch your heart and soul.

Friday, March 20, 2009



Better Days Live Tribute To fans

A soft , warm, chilled ,live video of Hyperspecial in studio singing Album title Song BETTER DAYS.... An insight for fans to see what he sees, and an emotional journey into positivity

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St. Paddy's Day

From my beautiful Peter.. thank you angel xxxx

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Irish Wisdom

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Author: Steve Best

Bio: Rev. Best is a second career pastor following a long and successful career in professional services marketing. Following his earning a Master of Divinity, he focused his pastoral care skills in police chaplaincy. He served three law enforcement agencies concurrently as a volunteer chaplain while also serving as a parish pastor. Since his retirement, Pastor Best serves as a hospice chaplain ministering to the sick and dying.

Synopsis: Stories of the Street: Images of the Human Condition is a collection of stories that amplify the variety of incidents to which police patrol officers are dispatched. The book also creates an understanding of the role of police chaplains in their encounters with tragedy, crimes, and abuse.


Born 1975 in Norfolk, England, Robert Preston has worked in many and varied trades and has occasionally been accused of having a sense of humour. Robert has several other books—with stories ranging from a quest for the meaning of existence to sentient penguins taking over the world (not in the same story)—that are in the works. He has been writing since high school.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Author: Oren Davies

Superb Book of Boys Names is a comprehensive collection of names for boys. Names have been drawn from many different cultures and languages of the world. The book is full of unique, rare and little known personal names. This is balanced with plenty of popular and well-known examples. The meanings and origin of each name is fully explained. So the book can be guide for parents plus those searching for the meanings of their own personal names.

Author: Oren Davies - Superb Book of Boys Names


The author is Australian and has grown up in that country. He lives in the city of Melbourne which is in the south. For a long time he has had an interest in the meaning and origins of personal names. Therefore the book is an in-depth study of male personal names. Much research has gone into finding rare, lesser used and historical names balanced with modern popular ones.

At the moment the author is organising other books. One will cover celtic and old english surnames.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Author: Kedar Prasad PhD

Synopsis of my book: In today’s world, many people worry about terrorist threat of exploding nuclear or dirty bomb, chemical weapons or biological weapons more than did in the past. This book has tried to reduce their fear by describing the nature of each of these weapons, their adverse health effects and difficulties in using some of them as a weapon of mass destruction. In addition, instead of feeling helpless, the guidelines described in this book can help you to understand the risk you are facing, as well as what you can do to protect yourself and your family- not just from uncertain risks like explosion of dirty bomb, toxic chemicals or harmful infective agents, but also from other risks such as diagnostic x-ray-based procedures, radiation received during flight at high altitude and working in the environment of radiation equipments.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Author Nancy Wylde : At Home

Best-selling Author of Ticket to Freedom allows us a sneak preview into her personal and very treasured lifestyle with her beloved friends and family :) x

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Twitter Welcome

Great welcom from Net-Furu Ewan Robb.. :) x

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Author Dzagbe Cudjoe

This video gives a brief account of Dzagbe's (pronounced Jag-ba) latest book Tales my Ghanaian Grandmother Told Me as well as a brief background on Dzagbe. A very fitting date of release coinciding with updates of her current trip to Southern Africa.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

St Aiden's Homeschool Website Updates - 05 February 2009

Wow! I cannot believe we are well into February already. The Northern Hemisphere will soon be experiencing spring days whilst the Southern Hemisphere will begin its autumn days. Where is the time going to J

As promised in the last website update we have a focus on one of the greatest literary masters in history, Charles Dickens. I have compiled Comprehension & Literature Unit Studies on some of his well-known and lesser-known works. The age groups for these will vary dependent upon the age and aptitude of the learner.

Each Unit study is accompanied by an Executive Study, which is helpful when summarising for written comprehension. Normally this is aimed at much older students. I have included these because of the length of some of the manuscripts… I know one is 943 pages long.

The download links can be found at these pages:

David Copperfield

Master Humphrey's Clock

Oliver Twist

The Battle of Life

The Holly Tree

The Cricket On The Hearth

The Chimes

A Child's History of England

On Dickens Main Page you will find an autobiography on the man himself, as well as some interesting books of fact, The Works of Dickens. Also are links to some really informative sites on Dickens and his works.

I have also compiled a comprehensive literature unit study on Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn. It’s a large file and it was eventually necessary to break it down into the original “parts” of the book. So there are 8 sections to the book, each one illustrated beautifully, and a separate download link for the Literature Unit Study. Please let me know of any broken links in this section as it was reformatted a number of times until I was happy with the final books.

Items that are not uploaded to the website but are available for free download at Currclick are:

Bible Stories for Children : A Collection of 45
St Aiden's Homeschool, South Africa

With Our Compliments This book comprises a collection of 45 well known and well loved Bible stories that have been adapted and simplified as far as possible for reading to young children. The book contains beautiful illustrations in colour and black and white and is a beautiful addition to any collection.

The Hares & The Frogs ~ Reading Comprehension & Copywork Book

by St Aiden's Homeschool, South Africa

The Tortoise & The Ducks ~ Comprehension & Copywork
St Aiden's Homeschool, South Africa

The Wolf & The Kid ~ Comprehension & Copywork
St Aiden's Homeschool, South Africa

Welcome to our collection of Free Comprehension & Copywork books for early readers. Of course there are hundreds of other free titles at this link.

Handwriting Practice Units in a variety of styles and formats, from the very early learner to the more advanced can be found at the following links:

Also a reminder of the free Valentine's Day Units and printables :)

A thought for the day: Let man search for what is right and let happiness come on its own ~ Johann Pestalozzi

Thank you for subscribing to this newsletter and for reading. As always suggestions, requests, comments and criticisms are welcome and can be sent to me at

I wish you and yours a wonderful and blessed weekend.

Till next time


Donnette E Davis

St Aiden's Homeschool

Follow me on Twitter

For Donnette

My beloved Peter made this... aaah how I miss you sweetheart xx

Donnette in Dublin wmv

Made by my Beloved Peter.. xx

Donnette in Dublin wmv

Made by my Beloved Peter.. xx

Donnette in Dublin wmv

Made by my Beloved Peter.. xx

Donnette in Dublin wmv

Made by my Beloved Peter.. xx